Friday, December 09, 2005

Linux tips: Guide of recovering GRUB after reinstalling Windows

Assuming that you dual-boot between windows & linux on the same pc. After re-installing windows, the GRUB bootloader will be replaced with ntbootloader & your linux os will not be accessible though you know it is still there.

Here is how you restore it. Before resinstalling windows, do

vi /etc/grub.conf

For my case, my linux partitions looks like this:

title Coyote's Custom Kernel (
root (hd0,6)
kernel /bzImage- ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 rhgb quiet enforcing=0

root (hd0,6) means, my linux os lies in hd0(first harddisk) & partition 6.

After finished installing windows, your grub bootloader will be overwritten. To recover do the followings:

Boot up with the first CD of your linux OS, for my case, it's Fedora Core 4's CD 1. At boot: type

linux rescue

to go into rescue mode.

When at the sh# prompt, do

chroot /mnt/sysimage

to gain root priviledge. Then



to enter into grub. Type

root (hd0,6)

setup (hd0)

The first command, root (hd0,6), sets my linux root to (hd0,6), that is 1st harddisk & partition 6. The second command, setup (hd0), instruct grub to rewrite the MBR.

Upon completion, the output reads 'Running "install /grub/stage1 (hd0) (hd0)1+15.../grub/grub.conf"... succeeded'

Type 'exit' twice. Once to exit grub & second time to exit rescue mode & reboot the pc.

There, my FC4 recovered. Now, I can reinstall my windows as many times as I like, without ever loosing my linux os.


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