Thursday, November 03, 2005

Linux tips: accessing FAT partitions from Linux

For those dual-booting between Windows & Linux. It's very common that you have files you stored in your FAT partitions that you want to read from or write to, when you booted into linux.

Here is how you do it:

First, identify your fat partitions

The first partition in first harddisk should be identified as /dev/hda1.
The second partition in second harddisk should be identified as /dev/hda2.

So on & so forth.

My single harddisk is partition into 5 partitions

So my c: drive(primary partition) will be identified as /dev/hda1
My extended partition occupy /dev/hda2
My d: drive(1st logical partition) is identified as /dev/hda5
My e: drive(1st logical partition) is identified as /dev/hda6

To access my c:, d: & e: drives. I create 3 mount points under my linux
directory /home/coyote, and named them as cdrive, ddrive & edrive accordingly.

edit /etc/fstab & add the following lines. Upon reboot, you should have full
read & write acces to your fat partitions.

/dev/hda1 /home/coyote/cdrive vfat umask=0 0 0
/dev/hda5 /home/coyote/ddrive vfat umask=0 0 0
/dev/hda6 /home/coyote/edrive vfat umask=0 0 0


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